Daily Mass Monday-Saturday. : 7:30 am
Saturday Evening Mass: 5:00pm
Sunday Mass: 7:15am, 9:00am (ASL interpretation & Livestream on Facebook), 11:00am, 1pm Spanish (Livestream on Facebook), 5:00pm.
Ash Wednesday: March 5th
7:30am Mass with Ash Distribution
10am Liturgy of the Word with Ash Distribution
12pm Mass with Ash Distribution
3pm Liturgy of the Word with Ash Distribution
5pm Liturgy of the Word with Ash Distribution
7pm Bilingual Mass with Ash Distribution
Saturdays: 8am in the main church.
Confessions are also available by appointment.
Blessed Sacrament Chapel Hours: 6am-8pm
6/1/2025: Ascension of the Lord
8/15/2025: The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
11/1/2025: All Saints’ Day
12/8/2025: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
12/25/2025: The Nativity of the Lord