This committee plans and coordinates all phases of the liturgy and other supporting activities for Sunday, Holy Day, special liturgical events, and special cultural celebrations. The committee consists of coordinators from all liturgical ministries. For further information, please contact Rhonda Parish at
The purpose of this ministry is to assist in the care and laundering of the altar linen. Scheduled just once, every other month, you will pick up the soiled linen on Sunday nights (after the 5pm mass) or on Mondays. You will then take the soiled linen home and treat stains, launder, and iron. The clean linen is returned back by Friday before 4pm. For further information, please contact Sandra Duarte in the office at
Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon at the altar during various liturgies, especially the Mass. They may carry the Sacramentary, the crucifix, candles, and the censer in procession. They may assist the priest in receiving the gifts of the people, bring the bread and wine to the altar, and presenting them to the priest, and remove vessels to the credence table after the Liturgy of the Eucharist. For Spanish or English coordinators, contact the office at (951) 698-8180.
Provide décor for St. Martha Church, guided by the Liturgical calendar, holy days, feast days and special events. Qualifications: Availability and commitment. Ability to take direction well and work independently. Some work including heavy lifting and ladder climbing may be required. Skills: Creativity, skilled with tools such as pliers, wire cutters, duct tape, needle and thread, etc. Skilled with floral arrangements, bow and ribbons, knowledge of floral and plant care a plus.
To assist as extraordinary ministers in distributing Holy Communion at daily, Sunday, special feast Day, and Holy Day Masses and in providing Holy Communion to the sick and homebound. Should be a person outstanding in Christian life, in faith, and in morals, one whose mature age warrants the choice, and who is properly trained to carry out so exalted a function. For Spanish or English Coordinators, please contact the office at (951) 698-8180.
Greeters welcome people to our place of worship at all Masses and distribute bulletins after Mass. Do you have a welcoming spirit? If so, this could be the ministry for you.
The lector communicates both the content and the spirit of God's Word. The special gifts and skills of the lector have to do with drawing everyone into the scriptures. The love of scripture, the commitment to learning and training and great preparation are the gifts the lector brings to his/her community. The lector works closely with the presider, musicians and other ministers to help create the mood and rhythm of the liturgy. Lectors receive training at the parish and the Diocese. After training, they are scheduled to read on a regular basis at various masses. For Spanish or English Coordinators, please contact the office at (951) 698-8180.
Music ministry is “Sacred song united to words forms a necessary and integral part of the solemn liturgy.” The congregation is encouraged to participate in the liturgical music. A number of Cantors and Choirs are available at various services to help lead the congregation in this liturgical music Existing choirs are: Adult Choir, Children Choir, Contemporary Choir, Filipino Choir, Hispanic Choir, Youth & Young Adult Choir, New members are always welcomed. Contact Rhonda Parish at
The importance of this celebration in the Hispanic community solidifies the commitment of the Quinceañera’s Catholic faith. When the young lady turns 15, she is presented to God, her community and she promises to honor her Catholic faith and herself. The Quinceañera celebration is not a sacrament in our Catholic faith and for this reason is celebrated by a deacon. During the Mass, the young lady receives the Eucharist and renews her baptismal promises. During the consecration to the Virgin Mary, the Quinceañera promises to give her “Yes” to God just as our Virgin Mary did…to be a faithful disciple. Quinceañeras are done in a group setting only of no more than three girls per celebration/ceremony. Please contact Andrea Lopez for more information at 951-698-8180
Our sacristans assist at designated Masses weekly or every other week, to coordinate all the details for each service. If you have an interest in this area, please contact Rhonda Parish at
Purpose: Something for everyone! “Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended on you”. St. Ignatius Loyola Meeting Time: Monthly meetings
Skills: willingness to serve, volunteer and pray
Time Commitment: Daily prayer
Activities and Volunteer Opportunities: Welcome new parishioners: Visit the sick, Eucharistic ministers, prayer warriors.
Ushers are a ministry to the community. An usher’s task is to serve the community and to ensure that the Mass and other liturgies proceed smoothly by seating the congregation quickly and properly. Ushers take up the collection and control the flow of the congregation before Mass, during communion, and after Mass. They count the attendance at each Mass and are prepared for any emergencies. For Spanish or English Coordinators, please contact the office.
This devotional group meets every Monday at 6PM in the church to pray a scriptural rosary of the Miraculous Medal. New members are always welcomed. Contact Frank Cuevas at 951-249-9766 for further information.
Our deaf ministry provides an interpreter at Sunday liturgies. Currently the Mass is signed at all 9AM Masses. If you would like further information about this ministry please contact the office at (951) 698-8180
Purpose: To propagate the name of the Blessed Mother, Our Lady Virgin Mary of Guadalupe and increase Marian spirituality. Each quarter hosts a devotional night with special guest speakers. Plan fundraising activities, including social activities, and provides support to the parish priests and diocese as needed. All meetings open with the Holy Rosary.
The English Charismatic Prayer Group meets most Fridays as published in the bulletin. Our main purpose is to gather together in Jesus’ name to pray for our Pope, priests, ministers, prayer group members, issues of society and the world. We offer praise and worship to God to grow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and pray for the conversion of souls. All are welcome. Any questions please email: or you can text the prayer group cell phone at: 951-404-9908 and a prayer team member will get back to you.
The “The Fire of the Holy Spirit” is a Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group. Purpose: to motivate the Community to live a living faith that leads them to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, based on prayer, preaching the word of God and live praise and worship through song; also, to support the pastor in the formation of a plan or vision for any activity that could lead the community to grow spiritually. We meet every Friday from 7pm to 9pm. Charismatic Healing Masses and Christian Initiation retreats are held once a year.
Our coordinators meet with families who have lost a loved one through death. We work closely with the families to plan a meaningful and personal funeral Mass. Our Funeral Ministers help with the actual Funeral Mass by serving as either Altar Servers or as Hospitality. We help to make sure the service goes smoothly and that the needs of the grieving families and friends are met as much as possible. We will train family members who want to serve as Lectors or as Gift Bearers. We will greet, usher and serve where needed. In general all that is needed is a caring heart and desire to help in a difficult time.
To volunteer please contact Rhonda Parish at
Mission Statement: The mission of this ministry is to promote union with Our Suffering Lord through union with His suffering Mother. This rosary recalls the seven most significant sorrows Our Lady endured in her life. Praying this rosary, while meditating on her grief and pain, will help to bring us closer to her Son.
We meet every Wednesday at noon.
The Respect Life Ministry upholds the teaching of the Catholic Church regarding life as stated in the Catechism: “Human life is sacred because from its beginning it involves the creative action of God and it remains forever in a special relationship with the Creator, who is its sole end. God alone is the Lord of life from its beginning until its end…” The Respect Life Ministry upholds this teaching and takes direction from the Bishops of the Catholic Church through prayer and the sacraments, education and action within our parish and community.
Respect Life Activities through prayer and fasting: MONTHLY MEETINGS, Aug. - June, on 1st Wed. of each month at 10:30am in the St. Cecilia/St. Gregory the Great room. WE WALK with FAMILIES and MOMS IN NEED by supporting our local Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers: Birth Choice Centers and Elsinore Valley Resource Center, with twice a year fund raising and/or Baby Shower. WE SUPPORT Families and Moms and all people through prayer events: St. Martha’s sponsors a Precious Babies Mass in January for all unborn babies and small children lost through miscarriage, illness, abortion or accident. We support Rachel’s Vineyard: healing & mercy after abortion. In spring and in fall, we support the International Prayer Program of 40 Days for Life. Through this prayer witness at an abortion business, we strive to share the truth of life as a gift from God to all who see us praying. We remember our elderly and ill members of St. Martha’s by putting together gift bags for our shut-in parishioners at Christmas. WE EDUCATE our parish family in all the laws being put forward within our state and country, to allow us to vote according to God’s law and our Catholic faith as directed by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Celebrate LIFE with us in St. Martha’s Respect Life Ministry! Contact the Parish Office for more information.
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